
With over 25 years of experience casting a variety of types of polyurethane (PUR) for numerous industries, Suncast Polytech Inc. has the expertise and supplier relationships to determine optimal materials for your project.


PUR is a very versatile material that can create parts with a variety of properties and attributes. Suncast typically deals with solid-cast urethanes but also manufactures foam parts.

PURs are known for:

PUR is an excellent alternative to commonly used materials like metal, rubber, and plastic. It stands out for its versatility, offering a wide range of formulations and properties. PUR is cost-effective, durable, and can be quickly prototyped and manufactured, making them a competitive choice compared to other materials.

Chemistry Basics

Castable polyurethanes are made by mixing a liquid prepolymer with a curative. The prepolymer consists of a polyol chain (“spine” or soft segment) with reactive isocyanate groups on each end. The curative or “chain extender” links the prepolymer chains together to form the polymer, which is a combination of soft segments and hard segments. The soft segments allow flexibility and stretch, and the hard segments provide for memory and contribute to the hardness and several other properties of the PUR elastomer.


PUR processing is a highly specialized and intricate process that requires precise control over various conditions and parameters. These include ambient temperature, mold temperatures, material temperatures, and more. The formulation of material recipes depends on the desired properties of the final product and can be influenced by additives designed to modify processing characteristics or enhance the material’s properties. Additionally, curing temperatures and times play a crucial role in determining the final product’s performance.

Beyond these factors, several other variables can impact the quality and success of the part. At Suncast Polytech, we bring years of experience and expertise to the table, enabling us to consistently produce complex and high-quality parts tailored to the specific needs of your industry.

Material Selection

There are many different types of PUR, each with its own unique chemical structure at the molecular level. These variations result in distinct properties and optimal operating parameters. When selecting the ideal material for a specific application, Suncast Polytech Inc. carefully assesses the product’s operating conditions, desired performance attributes, then selects a material that best meets the requirements.

As a long-time, high-volume processor of PUR parts, Suncast Polytech benefits from direct support and collaboration with several leading PUR material suppliers who are backed by advanced R & D teams, applying cutting-edge science to the continuous study and enhancement of PUR blends. Through our longstanding partnerships, Suncast Polytech has worked closely with these suppliers to develop custom PUR blends optimized for various industrial applications, ensuring the best overall performance and cost-effectiveness for our customers.


Suncast and Quality Polly Pig Ltd. manufacture a wide range of parts for the oil and gas industry. With an extensive catalog of existing products and the capability to create custom-designed components, we bring both expertise and experience to the table. We specialize in designing parts and selecting materials that are durable and reliable in hydrocarbon-enriched environments.

Our products include: